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Blackmagic Design Studio Camera 4K Plus - Micro Four Thirds Fit


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The Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus has been specifically designed as the perfect camera for ATEM Mini. It's the same high quality broadcast camera, but the HDMI centric design removes all the expensive broadcast connections so it's much lower cost. The HDMI is incredibly powerful as it connects video to the ATEM Mini, while at the same time camera control, tally and the remote record trigger is sent to the camera using the same HDMI connection. That makes it very fast to set up for a job.

What's included
  • Standard 6 month warranty
  • Blackmagic Design 12V AC Adapter
  • Blackmagic Design Micro Four Thirds Fit Front Lens Cap
  • Blackmagic Design Studio Camera Sun Shade
  • Blackmagic Design Studio Camera Tripod Mount compatible with 15mm lightweight rails
  • Original Packaging

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